Empowerment Coaching

My hope and dream when working with anyone is to empower them to discover and/or embrace their passions, gifts, and personal inner beauty and to share it with the world.

Through my coaching, I provide loving guidance to my clients along with numerous tools, resources, and a support system to help people discover the path to finding true contentment and peace. 

If you think of humanity like a big, beautiful puzzle, I see each of us as the pieces.  The puzzle will never get put together if we try to make everyone an edge piece or a middle piece or to look just like them.  Each person has a unique and special place in the puzzle and we are each beautifully made and fit exactly in the right place. 


I strive to make my coaching a fun, interactive, loving experience for each client, and that will look different for each individual. Each person comes to coaching in a different place with different life experiences and challenges. So I adapt to meet each client’s needs and we work together to find what works best for them.

Depending on a client’s circumstances and choices, I may incorporate some of the tools, practices and resources below to complement the coaching process.


Essential Oils

Essential oils offer many amazing benefits that have helped me and many of my clients deal with a variety of challenges.  They enhance the energy work I do and can be easily integrated into a coaching relationship as needed or desired. I only use Certified Pure therapeutic grade oils.

Energy Healing

At its most basic level, energy medicine helps balance a person’s energetic field so their body can create beautiful change and healing.  Energy practitioners do not heal a person, we simply help move energy that may be stuck in certain areas, or supply a person with increased energy that channels through us to the client. Energy practitioners know that the client’s  body will know how to use that energy most efficiently and where it is most needed.  

It’s like pouring milk into a bowl of cereal. The energy healer pours the milk into the bowl, but they don’t need to push the milk around to fill the nooks and crannies. No matter what kind of cereal is in there - chunky granola or simple Cheerios - the milk goes where it’s most needed to fill the bowl.

Some of the energy healing methods I use include:

Energy Medicine Yoga

Energy Medicine Yoga combines 2 powerful practices into one. The benefits of yoga combined with the powerful practices of Donna Eden Energy Medicine create an even more effective and efficient practice to empower your mind, body, and soul.


Sound Healing with Tuning Forks

Sound is energy and when working with energy fields, it can be very effective in helping clear stuck energy.  Tuning forks are utilized to detect and release resistance and turbulence within the body and its field.  I am looking forward to receiving my certification in Biofield Tuning.


Eden Energy Medicine

This beautiful program has taught me how to feel energy and experience my own energy and the energy of others.  The Eden method believes that “changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and psyche." Many of my clients have found this fascinating technique incredibly helpful in moving them closer to their goals.

I expect to complete my Donna Eden Eden Energy Medicine Certification in the next few months.



In this form of energy healing, I use my hands to transfer “universal energy” through my palms to encourage emotional and/or physical health and wellness. As a certified Reiki Master, I help harness the energy around us and bring it to you to create pathways for continual growth and unlimited potential that can bring about a more joyful and peaceful life. More information on the methods I use can be found here.


Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Combining the ancient principles of acupressure and modern psychology, Tapping on the body’s meridian endpoints while focusing on emotions can help relieve stress, calm the nervous system and rewire the brain to respond in healthier ways to emotional stimuli and overcome a variety of challenges. Click the button to explore one of the many great resources on Tapping.

While I have incorporated these modalities into my practice, I am always learning and open to new tools.  If a client says s/he wants to work with something I haven’t, I will look into it find a resources and/or person who can work with them. Or if it is something that interests me, I will learn it myself.  

I see myself as a broker of health and wellness tools and resources with a specific interest or niche in the energy medicine realm, and I embrace the opportunity to bring my clients the strategies that work best for them.